Simon Fern


I'm a PhD candidate at Rice University in the Department of Sociology, working at the intersection of the Sociology of Health & Illness and Migration Studies. My dissertation focusses on the health and wellbeing experiences of recently arrived immigrants in Spain, at present the collection of interviews consists of 121 individuals. I am currently carrying out the second phase of the study which involves people who have become pregnant or given birth since moving to Spain.

Beyond my dissertation work, I am part of a team of researching low-income Black mothers' experiences of COVID-19, government assistance, and food insecurity in Houston's Sunnyside neighbourhood. The team includes Cayce C. Hughes at Colorado College, Rachel T. Kimbro at Rice University, and Marbella E. Hill at North Carolina State University.

(Note: There is another Simon E. Fern who is ordained, a sci-fi writer, and a chemistry PhD. We're different people, but maybe distantly related)
