Recent Publications
M. E. Hill., Fern, S. E., Hughes, C. C., & Kimbro R. T. (2024). "If I got it, she got it": Food Provision and Symbiotic Mothering. Journal of Marriage and Family. [Link]
Fern, S. E., Kimbro, R. T., Hill, M. E., & Hughes, C. C. (2023). Emergency Food Support Preference and Usage During COVID-19: A Neighborhood Study of Low-Income Black Mothers' Use of School-Based Food Distribution and P-EBT. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S3), S227-S230. [Link]
Fern, S. E. (2021). Citizen outsider: Children of North African immigrants in France: by Jean Beaman, Oakland, University of California Press, 2017, 170 pp., $34.95 (paperback), ISBN: 9780520294264. [Link]
Conference Presentations
Fern, S. E. (2024). Immigrant Women’s Experiences of Mistreatment in Reproductive Healthcare: Medical Xenophobia, Racism, and Gynaecological Obstetric Violence. American Sociological Association: Medical Sociology Session on Structural Inequalities and Health Justice. (Montreal, Canada).
Fern, S. E., Hill, M. E., Hughes, C. C., Wu, C., Kimbro, R. T. (2024). Proud of making it work: how low-income mothers communicate pride, joy, and expertise in foodwork. American Sociological Association: Sociology of Food Session on Foodwork, Identities, and (In)security. (Montreal, Canada).
Fern, S. E. (2024). Postcolonial Immigrants’ Experiences of Mistreatment in Spanish Healthcare: Doctors as Technician and Colonizer. Oxford Migration Conference. (Oxford, UK).
Hughes, C. C., Kimbro, R. T., Fern, S. E., Hill, M. E. (2024). Understanding how Black mothers make food ends meet in the context of poverty. American Sociological Association: Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Section. (Montreal, Canada).
Hughes, C. C., Kimbro, R. T., Fern, S. E., Hill, M. E. (2024). Understanding How Black Mothers Make Food Ends Meet in the Context of Poverty. Russell Sage Foundation. (New York, USA).
Fern S. E., Ruiter, E., Din, Y., Schut, J. (2023). Exploring QueerTok in ‘TikTok: Mapping Digital Boundaries and Algorithmic Processes’. UvA: Digital Methods Initiative Poster Session. (Amsterdam, Netherlands).
Hill, M. E., Fern, S. E., Kimbro, R. T., Hughes, C. C. (2022). Foodwork as (Good) Motherwork: The Food-Related Practices of Low-Income Black Single Mothers. American Sociological Association Session: Sociology of the Family Section Session. (Los Angeles, USA).
Hughes, C. C., Hill, M. E., Fern, S. E., Kimbro, R. T. (2022). “Making it Stretch”: How Low-Income Black Mothers Manage Food Security in the Context of COVID-19. American Sociological Association: Sociology of Food Section Session. (Los Angeles, USA).